E. M. Eduardo Olímpio Machado
Professora Giselle
Língua Inglesa II 9º ano
Ao realizar a leitura do texto, Podemos circular, sublinhar, passar marca texto nas palavras cognatas, ou seja, parecidas com o português.
As palavras DESTACADAS EM AMARELO são àquelas parecidas com o português, ou seja Cognatas.
Leia o texto abaixo para responder as perguntas.
When did the term “computer virus” arise?
Steven White, manager of IBM Research's MassivelyDistributed System Group, offers some complementary information:
The term "computer virus" was coined in the early 1980s. Fred Cohen, then a Ph.D. student at the University of Southern California, came up with the idea of using self-replicating software, which spreads by attaching itself to existing programs as a way of attacking the security of multi-user computing systems. He showed this idea to Len Adleman, his thesis advisor. Adleman pointed out the similarity to a biological virus, which uses the resources of the cell it attacks to reproduce it self, and the term "computer virus" began its journey into every day English.
Since then, computer viruses have mimicked their biological namesakes, spreading digital disease around the world. And here at IBM Research, we are taking inspiration from biological defenses to viruses and creating a kind of immune system for cyberspace, which will be able to find, analyze and eliminate new computer viruses from the world's computers quickly and automatically.
Alex Haddox is product manager of the Symantec AntiVirus Research Center, which manufactures Norton AntiVirus products. He adds:
The history of the computer virus began in the 1940s when John von Neumann published apaper called "Theory and Organization of Complicated Automata," which documented the possibility of replicating computer programs. John Conway is credited with creating the first "virus" in the form of a life emulating program called the "Game of Life" in the1960s. In the 1970s the first true self-replicating programs, referred to as "organisms," were written as experiments in artificial intelligenceon UNIX systems and used in small, isolated network type games by large research companies. In1983 the term "virus" was first coined to describe self- replicating programs by Frederick Cohen and his colleague, Len Adleman. The first reports of serious damage from a PC virus occurred in 1986; the infection was caused by the "Pakistani Brain" virus, which was written by two brothers, Basit andAmjad Farooq Alvi, of Lahore, Pakistan.
Fonte: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/when-did-the- term-compute
1)Retire do texto acima:
a) Dez exemplos de palavras idênticas ou semelhantes a vocábulos da língua portuguesa(exemplos: chocolate; bicycle).
R: Ao ler o texto e marcar as palavras, obtemos um conjunto de palavras cognatas. É só reescrevê-las aqui.
b) Cinco exemplos de palavras da língua inglesa cujos significados você já conhecia.
Procure palavras que não são parecidas com o Português, para que você possa ampliar seu vocabulário. Por exemplo a palavra WORLD, grafada de azul, significa MUNDO. Já a palavra HERE, que utilizamos na chamada, signfica AQUI. Encontre mais outras três palavras.
“Since then, computer viruses have mimicked their biological namesakes, spreading digital disease around the world. And here at IBM Research, we are taking inspiration from biological defenses to viruses and creating a kind of immune system for cyberspace, which will be able to find, analyze and eliminate new computer viruses from the world's computers quickly and automatically.”
c) Dois exemplos de palavras cujos significados você conseguiu descobrir através do contexto.
Volte ao texto e aguce a sua curiosidade.
2) Qual é o assunto discutido no texto?
A partir das palavras destacadas em amarelo, tente identificar as palavras que aparecem mais. Você vai verificar que computer, computer vírus, computer programs e programs, aparecem com muita freqüência. Tendo por base essas palavras, identifique qual é o assunto do texto.
3) Em que a IBM Research está se inspirando para eliminar o vírus de computador?
“Since then, computer viruses have mimicked their biological namesakes, spreading digital disease around the world. And here at IBM Research, we are taking inspiration from biological defenses to viruses and creating a kind of immune system for cyberspace, which will be able to find, analyze and eliminate new computer viruses from the world's computers quickly and automatically.”
No trecho destacado de verde você vai perceber os itens IBM Research e Inspiration (inspiração) e, eles vão te indicar a resposta que está na frase destacada de verde.
4) Encontre no texto as expressões que significam:
Encontre a resposta nos trechos abaixo.
a) software auto-replicante:
“Fred Cohen, then a Ph.D. student at the University of Southern California, came up with the idea of using self-replicating software,...”
b) espalhando doenças digitais:
“Since then, computer viruses have mimicked their biological namesakes, spreading digital disease around the world.”
c) companhias de pesquisa:
“..., isolated network type games by large research companies.”
d) gerente de produto:
“ Alex Haddox is product manager of the Symantec AntiVirus Research Center”
5) Complete o quadro abaixo com informações retiradas do texto.
Procure nos trechos o item que falta para completar a informação.
“The history of the computer virus began in the 1940s when John von Neumann published apaper called "Theory and Organization of Complicated Automata," which documented the possibility of replicating computer programs.”
Quando? Quem? O que fez/fizeram?
1940s Procure no trecho acima o nome do autor do artigo Publicou um artigo chamado“Theory and Organization of the Complicated Automata”, o qual documentou a possibilidade de duplicação de programas de computador
Quando? Quem? O que fez/fizeram?
1960s John Conway Encontre no trecho abaixo o o que John Conway fez na década de 1960.
“John Conway is credited with creating the first "virus" in the form of a life emulating program called the "Game of Life" in the1960s.”
Quando? Quem? O que fez/fizeram?
1986 Basit & Amjad FarooqAlvi Encontre no trecho abaixo o o que Basit & Amjad FarooqAlvi fizeram em 1986.
“The first reports of serious damage from a PC virus occurred in 1986; the infection was caused by the "Pakistani Brain" virus, which was written by two brothers, Basit andAmjad Farooq Alvi, of Lahore, Pakistan.”
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